
Your Private Stock Analyst

For the fraction of the cost of hiring an expert, Scrab does exactly what you need — 24/7, without biases, saving you time and money.
Manual analysis using 3 types of charts
Get started
All charting tools
40+ years of data
Scoring for S&P 500 and global stocks screener
Get started
All from Basic, plus:
Stock Screener
5 Scoring Models
Portfolio Management
Scoring and alerts for S&P 500 companies
Scoring and screener for 37k+ global stocks
Get started
All from Personal, plus:
15 Scoring Models
Unlimited Scoring
Unlimited Alerts
Unlimited scoring, custom metrics, ETF data & more
Get started
All from Professional, plus:
25 Scoring Models
Custom Metrics
Financial Metrics for ETFs
Brokerage Integrations
Backtests using historical Screener
Manual analysis using 3 types of charts
Get started
All charting tools
40+ years of data
Scoring for S&P 500 and global stocks screener
Get started
All from Basic, plus:
Stock Screener
5 Scoring Models
Portfolio Management
Scoring and alerts for S&P 500 companies
Scoring and screener for 37k+ global stocks
Get started
All from Personal, plus:
15 Scoring Models
Unlimited Scoring
Unlimited Alerts
Unlimited scoring, custom metrics, ETF data & more
Get started
All from Professional, plus:
25 Scoring Models
Custom Metrics
Financial Metrics for ETFs
Brokerage Integrations
Backtests using historical Screener

See which plan is best for you

40+ years of data
Charting tools
Stock screener
Scoring models
Companies tracked
Fundamental scoring
S&P 500
Unlimited backtests
S&P 500
Portfolio monitoring
S&P 500
S&P 500
Brokerage integrations
Custom metrics
Financial metrics for ETFs
Backtests using historical Screener results
Pricing Faq


We've got answers.

Can I try Scrab for free?

Yes — when you sign up, you get a 7-day free trial to try out Scrab's most important capabilities.

What’s included in the 7-day trial?

With a few exceptions or limitations, during the trial you can use all the functionalities. For example, Screener will show you only the 10 biggest companies and Fundamental Scoring will be limited to S&P 500 companies. Besides that, two scoring models and one portfolio will be accessible.

Can I pay annually?

Yes. If you'd like to save 30%, you can choose the annual billing. You can switch at any time in the Billing tab of your account or by contacting support.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes. Once cancelled, your subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing period and will expire after that.

What payment options do you accept?

All major credit and debit cards, and Apple/Google Pay.

What are “companies tracked”?

These are companies you have in your scoring models, for which Scrab automatically updates scores and sends alerts (if configured).

What happens if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

If you're not satisfied with Scrab, we offer a 14–day money–back guarantee, no questions asked.

Start your 7-day free trial

Automate your research and quickly find undervalued stocks.
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